Forex Balances

This section shows your Forex positions, including summary and lot information.

The following rules apply to this section:

  • Data is available from January 1, 2013.
  • This section is not available in consolidated statements.
Column Description
Account ID The account number.
Account Alias Account alias, if there is one.
Model Model, if applicable.
Asset Class The asset class.
Report Date The date of the statement.
Functional Currency The abbreviation of the functional currency of your account.
FX Currency The abbreviation of the non-functional currency of the position.
Quantity The amount held for the position.
Cost Price

On the summary line: The average price of the position.

In the lot detail: the cost price.

Cost Basis The cost basis of the position in your functional currency.
Close Price The closing price of the position as of the report date.
Value The current value of the position in your functional currency.Value is calculated by quantity * conversion rate from non-functional currency to functional currency for the ending report date of statement period.
Unrealized P/L The unrealized profit and loss of the position in your functional currency.
Code The code abbreviation.
Lot Description Description of the lot.
Lot Open Date/Time Date and time the lot was opened.
Level of Detail Summary or Lot


Level of Detail

As part of setting up the Forex Positions section for your Activity Flex Query, you select one or more Levels of Detail for data in this section from among the following choices:

  • Summary
  • Lot